Cast Out Demons in the Name of Jesus Christ

You may think it is strange of me to create this single page with this single prayer but it is a prayer that I was asked to share online, in an attempt to start casting out the demons of everyone around us who may possibly be possessed with demons and not know it. When I was a child, I was possessed with demons and what I am telling you is the truth. Demons are very real, and they have done an amazing job of luring mankind into sin by default. In other words, many of the things we believe are fine and not a sin, are actually very grave sins that will prevent mankind from receiving their gift of Eternal Salvation. There’s a reason we need to be mindful of “The traditions of men.” The best example of how serious this is, would be the fact that graven images can also mean photographs, videos, and just about everything that comes out of Hollywood. Just because we don’t understand how this could be a sin, does not mean it is Ok. It means we have no understanding of how the spiritual realm works and that is what is most important. That is why the wicked have done everything in their power to poison us with neurotoxins that calcify our Pineal gland and pollute our minds with demonic music, television, etc. None of these things are good. They are all very very bad and have been weaponized against us. Why? you ask? because the fallen angels have lost their place in the Heavenly Realms and mankind is going to be taking their place. These fallen angels are furious and will do everything possible to prevent us from reaching God. While they are locked up until the end of the age, they are still in communication with their children, the Giants, the Nephilim, who have all died and are now the demons that roam the earth. Their goal is to separate us from God. In my opinion, I believe this is why people of many cultures do not allow their picture to be taken. I believe the meaning of this goes much deeper and it is just not something that people of the modern age can fully comprehend, not even in the slightest, unless you can get them to meditate on what it would be like to be in the world without every single physical thing, except what was created by God. If they meditate on this it might help them recognize the closeness of the spiritual realm. This prayer will work in sending demons back into the spirit world. I am seeking to raise an army of Christians to begin saying this prayer every day when you are out in the public. Say the following prayers to cast out demons of people you encounter, those who you believe are filled with demons. You may rephrase it however you like as long as it still means the same thing. What is in italics must remain part of the prayer.

By the Power of the Holy Spirit
and the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
cast out the demons of ______________. I now bless ___________ in the name of Jesus, Amen.

During the time of the fallen angels, and then the Nephilim (the offspring of the fallen angels and human women), there were supposedly billions of people on earth, and evil existed everywhere. It was absolute madness and chaos like you cannot imagine. This is what the globalists fear will happen again, but controlling the population is not up to them. There is a reason God wants as many souls as possible and we are here on this earth to save souls, nothing else. Something tells me that cannibalism existed during this time period also. These fallen angels had sex with married women and the women gave birth to the Nephilim. Since the Nephilim were half human and half angel, their spirits remained here to roam the earth when they died.

I don’t have all the answers. Nor do I claim to be able to explain everything, but I do know that I was in bed at 4am when The Holy Spirit told me to put this prayer online. Perhaps that was just my imagination, but it was profound, and I pray daily, all day, and use the name of Jesus hundreds of times per day. I am untouchable by demons, unlike as a child. I decided to emphasize how important this prayer is and how real demons are, so people take it seriously and start saying this prayer out of habit. Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim, aka Giants, and they are as real as any physical thing in your presence. You just can’t see them, but they are there.

Also, I am not sure if demons can multiply somehow or if there are so many of them that they simply outnumber the human population, and, as a result, more people are falling into sin every second, which is causing the world to grow more wicked every day. I believe these demons were able to possess the billions of people who were on earth back during that time period and that is what caused the chaos and madness.

If you are on a bus, in a restaurant, grocery shopping, or at a concert, etc.,and you see someone or hear someone around you who you know must have demons, then say this prayer, in addition to other prayers you may know, and cast out demons of people who don’t have the ability to do so themselves. Cast out the demons and then Bless them in the name of Jesus. If you are a Christian then you can do this, and they will never see it coming.

What harm could it possibly do to say a prayer as you are walking around in crowds? I have been having an illumination of conscience for the past few months. Anyone else experiencing the same thing? Leave a comment.