Illegal Censorship in America is Preventing Americans From Hearing The Truth
LIARS! The globalist’s are hoping to install Michael Obama in 2024 as the new resident of the Whitehouse. They want you to believe she is “running” for president. I can’t think of one single person who would vote for him. Regardless, it’s obvious who the American people want, based on how many people show up at President Trump’s rallies. It’s “COMMON SENSE,” right! The only thing that is common sense when dealing with lying cheaters, is that they are going to continue trying to bash Trump into the ground, but it’s not working. Shouldn’t it be illegal anyhow, to attack your opponent with lies and propaganda? The American people know exactly what these globalist pigs are doing. They will not succeed, and Michael will not be the new resident of the Whitehouse, unless they cheat by using hired American traitors and degenerate lowlife traitors such as ANTIFA and BLM, who are completely IGNORANT about what is happening. They must be, to have been so eager to take money from them to be part of these Soro’s-funded organizations. Now, that’s a man who deserves the electric chair. How I would love to watch him fry! They are the perfect Deep State puppets. There’s only one problem. We outnumber them. The total number of patriots who are going to vote for PRESIDENT TRUMP in 2024 is now approximately 250 million. It’s certainly way more than 81 million, since so many Democrats have switched sides and are now supporting President Trump, the greatest American president of all time because he is not a 33rd degree Freemason, is not a sorcerer, is not a Luciferian, and during his previous 4 years as the “official” president of the USA, he restored the USA to standards and living conditions far above anything the American people have ever experienced….and there were NO NEW WARS!!!! Imagine that….no orchestrated Satanic blood rituals that sacrifice the lives of millions of Americans who are forced to wear “DOG TAGS,” because that is what they think of them. They are the globalist’s dogs. That’s all about to change because all of these globalist pigs and saboteurs of the USA are going to GITMO! The swamp will finally be drained because now the people have witnessed the many acts of war against them, including the climate change hoax. Just ask the people of Lahaina and Paradise Cally. #ACTSOFWAR Soon, educated real science will conquer the ignorant masses who have fallen for this globalist climate change scam, and children will be taught the truth, so they don’t grow up and become dumbed-down Liberals. Liberalism is a disease that destroys civilizations, in the same way pornography and demoralization does. The American people finally get it. They see what damage these Demonrats and their diabolical ways have done to this country, and although many of them have such severe TDS, and will never switch sides, a good percentage of the educated Democrats who do not condone evil, immorality, unethical behavior, and other abominations, have switched sides and joined the ranks of patriotic nationalist Americans who know the difference between right and wrong, because our mommies and daddies raised us properly.
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Are Americans just being cowards, or are they not getting fired up enough about the criminal sociopaths who truly believe they are doing what is good for mankind, but only after they first put themselves on pedestals and pretend they are superiors to all of mankind, as they continue being supported by their paid-off scientists, who would never speak a word against their Orwellian plans? On the contrary, there are a handful of people, if we can call them people, who know the truth of our complete history and what all of this means. So much information is hidden but starting to come out. Illegal censorship in America is preventing Americans from hearing the truth, in an attempt to keep mankind separated from God, long enough for the wicked to accomplish their goals for a one world government, one world military, and a one world religion. Millions of Americans already know this and all you have to do is ask them. We are at war for our lives, but most importantly, we are at war for our souls. This is what Satan wants the most.
The veil is being lifted for all to see, expect those who have rejected God and been sent a strong delusion. It is the wicked who have gone to great lengths to corrupt mankind so that, by default, we are not eligible for Eternal Salvation. There are many situations like this but if you strip away this material world and all of its high-rise buildings, televisions, music, and graven images, you will see it clearly, therefore it is of paramount importance that you try to comprehend what I am going to say in this message to the entire world population.
The climate change hoax is the platform from which all of their tyranny stems from, in this age. You see, the truth of the issue is this, but their scientists will never say it. They are all cowards and order followers. The truth is this. Mankind will grow to whatever size it is capable of growing to, and mankind is not damaging the earth. There is wealth and abundance for all, and there are systems and technologies to ensure we clean our waste, filter our water, and protect our atmosphere, all of which the wicked are trying to destroy and reverse, but only those at the highest levels see it as it is. They have gone to great lengths to weaponize the weather, to convince the masses of this climate change hoax. Those below them have tunnel vision and believe they really are great philanthropists for mankind, kind of like Freemasons at the lower levels believe they are philanthropists. I would imagine even the Masons at the top also believe they are doing what is right, for them, because they certainly don’t care about the vast majority of the population. Everything in this world is a ruse and soon you will see it for what it truly is.
Some say it is both a blessing and curse, to see it this way, and I agree, but I would never want to un-see what I have seen, for the sake of my own soul and my own Eternal Salvation. That is what being a follower of Jesus Christ, in complete togetherness, means for mankind, and yet there is nothing new that has occurred under the sun, and people have not caught on to these patterns because our true history has been deleted and rewritten. The cycles just keep repeating, for this 6000 year duration, which is nearing the end. Like I said, the veil is lifting. Which side are you on. Those expecting a free ride with socialism or communism are in for a rude awakening if they get their way. It is not going to be a bed of roses but it will be just like the Bolshevik Revolution, only 100 times worse. Just look at all the things they have said about us and add that to all the things they have done to us. I explain why this is happening on other pages of the website.
We have all heard about the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on earth, but what does it mean after the thousand years? I need to look into that one. Regardless, Jesus Christ is the only way forward for mankind if we ever want to know what true peace, love, and happiness on earth really means, and because the youth have been so deeply indoctrinated to believe such lies that steer them away from God, family, and unity in Christ, and the now Obama-legalized propaganda keeps on coming, and simply because the lies and propaganda always sounds entirely true and believable, and like it’s common sense, it still turns out to be the opposite of common sense because it is false common sense that is not backed up by any peer-reviewed science anywhere in the world, just those who are in the Deep State’s pockets, along with their cowardly underlings. However, I am not in their position so I am not one to throw stones at people for being sinners and remaining to be cowards when there is no stronger power on earth than the power of God, through His Son, Jesus Christ. We are all truly sinners, but if you first Trust, and then have Faith, in Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit will reward you, but do not become complacent on this mission. Your Trust and Faith must be consistent, and not intermittent, for you to truly be rewarded with the Power of The Holy Spirit.
I don’t have a problem with sinners and will forgive anyone in the world, regardless of what they have done, since that is what God commands us to do, but I do have a problem when people no longer listen to reason. That is Satan’s doing, and that is my primary battle. For example, If it makes sense to first look for peer-reviewed science that this climate change hoax is one gigantic deception, the only way to prove that is to do what I said and do the research, follow the money trail and carefully examine who each person is, and why they are pushing this false narrative. Mankind has always had to deal with people like this who are trying to mold civilizations into being compliant order followers when we all have minds of our own and are capable of figuring things out if we just trust our instinct and follow the money, but all with the help of Jesus Christ and the Grace bestowed upon all who follow Him. It’s so simple and still people are unwilling to try it. It astonishes me. If the entire world would say, “OK, we’re willing to give Christianity a chance, for just 6 months,” I guarantee people would begin to notice significant positive changes in the world, enough to convert the entire world to Christianity.
It is the organizations within Christianity that have been deliberately infiltrated to give Christians a bad name. However, when have you ever heard of Christian terrorists? The mainstream media was actually trying to establish this narrative. If you are evil then you will not recognize the evil in the world and you will oppose all of God’s rules. Those rules are simple rules to follow too. Fight the wicked and just do it, God’s version of “Just Do It!” You see, the wicked have twisted everything about this world to lead mankind into more sin, but the kind that traps you there. You must step out of this world to see God’s world, at least so you know what you are fighting for, and do not become one of the many who are deceived during these end days, according to prophecy. I realize other generations have always said “We are in the end days,” but this is very true now, and much different from former eras. I promise you that if you adopt Christianity you will notice significant changes in your heart and will no longer live in fear, and will be able to cope with the evil in this world, which will only get worse if Christians stray from their Faith in Jesus Christ.
It will all make perfect sense to you soon, I promise. I promise it will be worth your while to heed my warning and get these criminal sociopaths, who actually see themselves as Saints, prosecuted and incarcerated as quickly as possible. We have enough evidence from the plandemic to lock up thousands of them, and just as they disregard the law and have manipulated the legal system, once they are locked up, they will remain their indefinitely, in a cell, with a Bible, so they too are given the opportunity to find God, ,the one true God. If this does not occur swiftly, upon President Trump winning the 2024 election, then we will know it was all a ruse, a psyop, but if God is behind us, then we cannot lose. Regardless, it is only going to go one way, either towards the side of good or towards the side of evil. I just have a few more very important questions that I need you think about very carefully.
Who is responsible for creating the Illuminati playing card of President Trump and the First Lady Melania Trump, where they are both seen walking down the escalator, as they did during Trump’s inauguration? That card was created long before that reality occurred. Find out who created these cards and follow the money. Also, who keeps making President Trump read the Snake poem to his people, of which I am a bit skeptical of now, but was, and still am one of his supporters, who simply has some questions. For example, if Henry Kissinger, George Bush, and David Rockefeller, were so confident when they each said there was no way they could lose and would eventually win, and said so, in their own unique way, then what is their secret? That’s a very critical question that needs answers. They obviously have one, right? Next, how was President Trump allowed to do the multitudes of positive things he did for the USA, without the globalist’s doing what they are best at, killing? They’ve never cared who was watching before, or who knew in advance that something was going to happen? Even with the media coverage the way it is, completely on their side, to protect them, they didn’t do it.
They certainly use the media to let the public know they are mortal enemies of each other, but are they really? They’ve had every opportunity in the world, and more, to take Trump out, and in my opinion, if they wanted him out, he’d be out. On two occasions, the people were manipulated into believing there were two attacks on Trump’s life, and then they stopped, just like that, he was free to do whatever he wanted to make the globalists look bad, If your suggesting that I wanted this to happen to Trump, then you are not hearing me, and are misinterpreting the incredibly important gist of this message. Therefore, you are encouraged to read it again. Actually, just listen to the audio book “The Gospel According to Jesus Christ.” If the criminal globalist sociopaths want something done, it gets done, with the help of complicit cowards and order followers. All of these things have raised a red flag for me, but on the other hand, President Trump seems to be the only one who could possibly save the USA, but is that completely true, or false?
Regardless of any physical pathway that occurs, God always has a counter-move, and has been using them all throughout our history. It’s obvious the media wants us to believe Trump is a heavy contender, and he is. He genuinely has a huge base of followers. However, I believe one of God’s counter-moves was Vivek Ramaswamy, who has more will, determination, and skills to restore our Constitutional Republic back to the way it was meant to be, than anyone I’ve ever seen in any other political nomination. He is brilliant but lacks worldly political experience, significantly, and that leaves him quite vulnerable for attack. It would only work if he agrees to go underground and remain completely safeguarded and kept away from every globalist, Communist, Nazi, traitor and infiltrator scumbag in the entire world, while he pulls the strings, but only after making many people in government lose their jobs permanently, and without a ridiculous severance package that takes the next 80 decades for the people to pay back, which has always been just a means to keep the public from asking too many questions about what their tax dollars are being spent on. Those days are over.
The people want an audit for every single dollar that is spent and if we don’t all approve on the expenditures, then people are not going to be filling out any tax forms this year. For what these people in government have allowed to happen to the USA, they should all get nothing but a long rope, and yes, our government is a collective effort of compromise, but the people have to know the difference between right and wrong, so they can then figure out how to reverse the real damage that has been done here.
Regarding the Climate Change Hoax, if young and deeply indoctrinated young people would actually use self-discipline and force themselves to go and do the research, to find any real hard evidence of this climate change hoax, they would find none, and they’d be able to report that information to the remaining mind-controlled masses. However, you have to follow the money for anyone who promotes it, and also for anyone who opposes it, and you will notice two very different groups of people. God will provide for anyone who believes in Him and luckily, for mankind, most people believed in God at one time, and still do. People!, God is where we get our strength and power from. That is why these Luciferian enemies of humanity have gone to such great lengths to stop people from believing in God, and ironically, they believe in their Luciferian God way more than many Americans believe God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, but that is only because they infiltrated the educational system and used that very system to dumb-down our children with false narratives and propaganda, always preventing the truth from getting out, by controlling the mainstream media and the Satanic Hollywood entertainment system. Many, many, many, people in the world know the truth, that there is one God Almighty, and not a person in the sky, but a loving force so powerful, and a story so incredibly powerful and true, that He is a major threat to Satan and his demons.
The true story about these demons, and how they came into existence is incredibly fascinating and if you’ve read and understood the Holy Bible as much as I have, you would know there’s a reason The Holy Bible is well known for surviving Hotel, Motel, and Car fires. It has a reputation. Similarly, Jesus fed 5000 people and made the Wine for an entire wedding party of about 250 people, if I’m not mistaken. Regardless, it was a large wedding, and the wine served was said to be the best tasting wine the people had ever had. Jesus cured the blind, and performed many miracles, in front of thousands of witnesses, yet still, the naysayers and the wicked will not believe. They will not believe us, those who know with certainty, because we know what it feels like to have The Holy Spirit guiding you and showing you all of this? Yes, there really were giants in past years. Yes, people did live hundreds of years. Things were very different and mankind cannot fathom that reality because the criminal globalist sociopaths have gone to great lengths to separate mankind from God, in every way possible known to mankind, and it is still happening. There’s only one huge problem. The people are waking up. The globalists are not allowed to take action against living man when they are called out on what their plans are, and they are not allowed to do any harm to mankind without warning the people first, to the best of my knowledge. There’s only one problem with that. The people who are furthest along in their awakening process, are able to see it and hear it in all of the media types they put out for public consumption. Now, try and put yourself into my shoes, who knows this to be entirely true, and has a feeling of powerlessness, because I am unable to persuade others to see it, because there is only one path that happens on, and that’s the path to our Eternal Salvation?
Those who have accepted Jesus Christ into their lives and repented of their sins, will have the greatest chance to experience Eternal Salvation. These words are the truest words I have ever tried to convey and they are not my own. If mankind turns to Jesus Christ and we are able to overpower the wicked, when the forces of good outnumber the forces of evil, by not falling for their slippery lies, then the Apocalypse will most likely not occur at the present time, but we all know prophetic words that are indicated in the Holy Bible always come true. This is what I am being told and I have no idea why my fingers are moving but my mind has now come to pause. If you want a chance for Eternal Salvation and eternal bliss, then you must first change your heart, and the book I mentioned has tremendous potential to help you along the way.