The Psychological Operation of the Century | Patriots Beware!
Here is what I believe, and I have been a Trump supporter since the beginning of this 16 year psyop against patriots of America. I don’t want to affect the election with what I’m going to say, because I could be wrong, but God will only allow what is supposed to happen anyhow, so it really doesn’t matter what I say. I am a highly intuitive and perceptive person, like 36%, which is high for a personality test. 36% of my being knows what type of energy any given person is emitting. Are you ready? Here goes: The red flag moment for me was when I saw the Illuminati playing card of President Trump and First Lady Melania going down the escalator. Think about it very closely.
Think about the date the card was first published and who created the card, and for what reason. Why do The Simpsons know how to predict the future so well? Who are the producers in communication with? Next, why does Trump keep reciting the Snake poem?, and he even seemed reluctant to do it, and actually said “somebody asked me to do this.” Can you read people? I can. I know when someone is going to try and kick my ass before they ever make a move, which has worked to my advantage many times, and if I told you how many times I have been attacked in this life, out of the clear blue ether, you wouldn’t believe me. You would instantly think I instigated the attack. Wrong! Imagine everything in the world just disappeared, except you and the world population, even everyone’s clothes. Only then will you fully comprehend that we are spiritual beings temporarily inhabiting physical bodies and Jesus Christ is God. For those who I lose because of that statement, oh well, their loss. Keep reading.
I believe the criminals who have the money and power to fund both sides of wars, after they first orchestrated, and continue to orchestrate wars and the entire rise of wars, are using Trump to deceive American patriots and they get a kick out of having Trump read the Snake poem to his clueless followers, myself included. I believe Trump is the Deep State’s secret weapon to win the coming election and it is them who purposely allowed Trump to rise in popularity with patriots so there would be a definitive way to single out who the patriots are before the need arises to go after them and kill them once the SHTF and it becomes worse than the Holocaust.
The horror show they are planning will be worse than ten holocausts, and they will get away with it due to cowards and order followers, which is why you have heard me say “cowards and order followers,” at least a thousand times in the past decade. You see, people have literally been programmed by their televisions and the media to have a type of tunnel vision that makes them incapable of seeing how a plan could possibly span out across time. The longer the time span, the greater it is for anyone to believe it’s even a plan, but trust me, I am right. These plans (conspiracies) have been going on since the beginning of time and they have never stopped. The wicked just got better at covering their tracks.
If Trump was a real threat to the enemies of humanity, he would not have been allowed to become as popular as he did among patriots, and reverse everything the wicked have done for the whole world to witness. That was done on purpose, but notice how only the patriots were allowed to see and know he was doing all the things he did. If you ask a demonrat what he’s done, they will just laugh in your face in complete ignorance, because they have no clue about this spiritual war that is taking place.
The Q board was part of the deception but they never lied. They are just extremely clever, like Satan, and have many years of experience telling us what they are planning on doing to us, in ways that seem like some form of entertainment, or as if they are talking about someone, or something else. It’s such a well-played psychological operation that it’s extremely difficult to explain to the common people who don’t even know they are victims of TV programming and mainstream media propaganda. Trump owed the deep state players, Swiss Octogon pharaohs, yes real pharaohs, and rulers of the world, a favor for bailing him out financially a long time ago, and it was time to pay up. He didn’t have any other choice but to play along, under the condition that the people never find out he knew the whole time that we were being set up for the kill.
The best case scenario for Americans now is Vivek Ramaswamy but they will kill him instantly. He is not fully awakened either and does not know how to play as dirty as them. Despite the fact that the Satanic MIC has weapons that can vaporize an entire armored vehicle, American patriots should keep their guns loaded and be ready because this is the last American election, if we lose, or if Trump wins, and we do not get an alternate nominee to win, someone the deep state didn’t want to win, or someone they believed never had a chance.
If Trump wins, things will appear to be good at first, perhaps, and that may last 3 years, but I feel like we are all being deceived and manipulated into believing Trump is going to save us and prevent the permanent enslavement of mankind. I hope I am wrong, I do, but my gut tells me his advisors told him to tone it down when he said “let’s just take the guns and deal with the consequences later.”. His advisors also had to tell him that Patriots follow Jesus Christ and believe in God. Then he was pro God.
Q didn’t lie but Q appeared to reveal a horrible conspiracy to get patriots all fired up so the enemies behind this psyop could single us out later. Somewhere in the world there is a room with a bunch of cowards and order followers who are monitoring the whereabouts of every single patriot in America. Snowden tried to warn us but that ship has sailed. Why is Julian Assange still locked up? I don’t know the full story of Julian and believe he may not be who many people believe him to be, but they all play their roles exceptionally well, because that is how it’s done. God help us if I am not wrong, and I sure hope I am, or else John Gunkill with the one-eyed symbolism is probably going to assassinate me for this one. For the record, I would never kill myself, NEVER, EVER!!!!
I have called them out, and by universal law, once they are called out, they are not allowed to proceed as planned, but something tells me they are still going to go ahead, and this is what will infuriate God. Who am I to interfere with God’s end-times plans? I just don’t want anyone to suffer. There’s a reason none of these human traffickers and child-sex traffickers have been arrested yet. Sure, once in a while we hear about it, but we have the military power and might to arrest them all today!